Stephan Hilgert

Dr.-Ing. Geoökol. Stephan Hilgert

  • Institut für Wasser und Umwelt
    Fachbereich Wassergütewirtschaft
    Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
    Gebäude 50.31 
    Gotthard-Franz-Str. 3 
    76131 Karlsruhe





Betreuung des deutsch-brasilianischen Studentenaustauschprogramms UniBral des DAAD
Ansprechpartner für die Kooperation mit der Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) in Curitiba



Flussgebietsmanagement, Echolotsondierung, Sedimentuntersuchung, Porenwasser, Methanentstehung, Ökosystembasierte Anpassungen, Deutsch-Brasilianische Reservoir Management Group (Baden-Württemberg Stiftung)

Dissertationsthema: Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneities of Methane Emissions of Reservoirs by Correlating Hydro-Acoustic with Sediment Parameters

Laufende Forschungsvorhaben:


Abgeschlossene Forschungsvorhaben


Postgraduate Programs:

  • Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Recursos Hídricos e Ambiental (PPGERHA)

Review Aktivität: 

  • Ecological Informatics 
  • Water science and technology
  • Science of the total Environment
  • Biogeoscience
  • Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos

Stipendien und Auszeichnungen

Sparkassenumweltpreis 2015
Stipendiat der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung (BWSplus)
Leonardo Stipendiat


an der Bundesuniversität von Parana, Curitiba (Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba)


Hilgert, S.; Sotiri, K.; Fuchs, S. (2023):
Improved sediment detection in old gravel pit lakes as a basis for future monitoring and measures. SEFS 13 – Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, Newcastle, UK, 18th-23rd of June 2023

Marcon, L.; Sotiri, K.; Bleninger, T.; Lorke, A.; Männich, M.; Hilgert, S.; (2022):
Acoustic Mapping of Gas Stored in Sediments of Shallow Aquatic Systems Linked to Methane Production and Ebullition Patterns. Front. Environ. Sci. 10:876540. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.876540

Sotiri, K.; Kishi, R.T.; Hilgert, S.; Scheer, M.B.; Gabriel, P.G.; Benatto, D.A.; Fuchs, S. (2022):
Assessment of Phosphorus Input from Urban Areas in the Passaúna River and Reservoir. Water.; 14(5):809.

Sotiri, K.; Hilgert, S.; Duraes, M.; A.Armindo, R.; Wolf, N.; B.Scheer, M.; Kishi, R.; Pakzad, K.; Fuchs, S. (2021): 
"To What Extent Can a Sediment Yield Model Be Trusted? A Case Study from the Passaúna Catchment, Brazil" Water 13, no. 8: 1045.

Reichert, G.; Hilgert, S.; Azevedo, J.C.; Fuchs, S. (2021):
Determination of alkylphenols and plasticizers in a river in southern Germany. In Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences 12. 2021, Dublin, Ireland.
5A_RS06 Emerging contaminants in freshwater systems, July 27, 2021, 13:15 - 14:45  

Reichert, G.; Hilgert, S.; Alexander, J.; Azevedo, J.C.; Morck, T.; Fuchs, S.; Schwartz, T. (2021): 
Occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes and their relationship with water quality.  In Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences 12. 2021, Dublin, Ireland.
10F_RS11 Fundamental and applied freshwater ecology, July 30, 2021, 10:30 - 12:00  

Hilgert, S.; Sotiri, K.; Fuchs, S. (2021):
Comparative overview of reservoir siltation assessment techniques depending on the type of sediment.EGU General Assembly 2021.

Sotiri, K.; Hilgert, S.; Mannich, M.; Bleninger, T.;  Fuchs, S. (2021):
A combination of measuring approaches for increasing the accuracy in sediment magnitude assessment in the Passaúna Reservoir.Journal of Environmental Management.

Hilgert, S.; Sotiri, K.; Fuchs, S. (2021):
Methods to assess reservoirs’ siltation: A review of different case studies. Poser/Article

Liu, L.; Sotiri, K.; Dück, Y.; Hilgert, S.; Ostrovsky, I.; Uzhansky, E.; Katsman, R.; Katsnelson, B.; Bookman, R.; Wilkinson, J. and Lorke, A. (2019):
The control of sediment gas accumulation on spatial distribution of ebullition in Lake Kinneret Geo-Marine Letters, (), 1-14; doi: 10.1007/s00367-019-00612-z

Hilgert, S.; Sotiri, K.; Marcon, L.; Liu, L.; Bleninger, T.; Mannich, M.; Fuchs, S. (2019) :
Resolving spatial heterogeneities of methane ebullition flux from a Brazilian Reservoir by combining hydro-acoustic measurements with methane production potential. 38th International Association of Hydro Resources World Congress, Panama City, Panama. doi:10.3850/38WC092019-0866.

Hilgert, S.; Sotiri, K.; Fuchs, S. (2019)  :
Advanced Assessment of sediment characteristics based on rheological and hydro-acoustic measurements in a Brazilian rezervoir. 38th International Association of Hydro Resources World Congress, Panama City, Panama.

Sotiri, K.; Hilgert, S.; Fuchs, S. (2019)  :
Derivation of a hydro-acoustic sediment classification methodology from an extensive dataset of six reservoirs. 38th International Association of Hydro Resources World Congress, Panama City, Panama.

Sotiri, K.; Hilgert, S.; Gorochocki, P.; Wagner, A.; Duraes, M.; Drummond, S.; Kishi, R.; Fuchs, S.; Scheer, M. (2019) : 
Understanding sediment transport processes – coupling erosion with reservoir siltation. 11th Symposium for European Freshwater sciences, Zagreb, Croatia.

Sotiri, K.; Hilgert, S.; Zhang, Ch.; da Silva Santos, L.; Fuchs, S. (2019) :
Evaluation of two different modeling approaches for erosion and sediment input assessment. 9th International conference of the European Society for Soil Conservation. Tirana, Albania

Reichert, G.; Hilgert, S.; Fuchs, S.; de Azevedo J.C; (2019) :
Emerging contaminants and antibiotic resistance in the different environmental matrices of Latin America, • Environmental Pollution 255(Pt 1):113140

Sotiri, K.; Hilgert, S.; Fuchs, S. (2019): 
Sediment classification in a Brazilian reservoir: Pros and cons of parametric low frequencies. Advances in Oceanography and Limnology, 2019; 10(1): 1-14.

Marcon, L.; Bleninger, T.; Männich, M.; Hilgert, S. (2019):
High-frequency measurements of gas ebullition in a Brazilian subtropical reservoir—identification of relevant triggers and seasonal patterns. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 191:357,

Fuchs, S.;  Hilgert, S.; Sotiri, K.; Wagner, A.; Ishikawa, M.; Kern, J.; Jirka, S.; Klassen, I.; Krumm, J.; Malewski, C.; Rohr, H.; Pakzad, K. (2019):
Sustainable management of reservoirs - defining minimum data needs and model complexity. Conference: GRoW- Water as a Global Resource, Status Seminar 2019, Frankfurt
Wagner, A.; Hilgert, S.; Kishi T., R.; Drummond, S.; Kiemle, L.; Nickel, J. P.; Sotiri, K.; Fuchs, S. (2019):
Flow-proportional large volume composite sampling to assess substance fluxes. Oral Presentation, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-18649, 2019. EGU General Assembly 2019

Rauen W, B.; da Silva M, G.; Hilgert, S.; Sotiri, K.; Knapik, H.; Fernandes C, V.; Dziedzic, M.; Scheer, M.; Bleninger, T.(2018):
Reservoir siltation assessment: Critical analysis based on a public water supply reservoir, situated in an urban area. PAP063. Brazilian Meeting of Sediment Engineering ENES 2018, Vitoria ES, Brazil

Hilgert, S.; Fernandes, C.; Fuchs, S. (2018):
Redistribution of methane emission hot spots under drawdown conditions. Science of the Total Environment, 646 (2019) 958-971  DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.338 

Wagner, A.; Hilgert, S.; Kattenborn, T.; Fuchs, S. (2018): 
Proximal VIS-NIR Spectrometry to Retrieve Substance Concentrations in Surface Waters Using Partial Least Squares Modelling. In: New Technologies in Water Sector. Conference Proceedings. 10th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference IWA YWP, 7-12 May 2018, Zagreb, Croatia. p. 194-201.

Polli, B. A.; Julio, Hilgert, S.; Bleninger, T. (2017):
Three dimensional heat transport modeling in Vossoroca reservoir. EGU Assembly EGU Assembly 24.-28.04.2017, Vol. 19, EGU2017-17811, 2017, Vienna (oral Presentation)

Hilgert, S.; K. Sotiri; Fuchs, S. (2017):
Comparative analysis of hydroacoustic lakebed classification in three different Brazilian reservoirs. EGU Assembly 24.-28.04.2017, Vol. 19, EGU2017-17811, 2017, Vienna

Bernardo, J.; Mannich, M.; Hilgert, S.; Fernandes, C.; Bleninger, T. (2017):
A method for the assessment of long-term changes in carbon stock by construction of a hydropower reservoir. Online verfügbar unter:

Hilgert, S.; Wagner, A.; Kiemle, L.; Fuchs, S. (2016):
Investigation of echo sounding parameters for the characterisation of bottom sediments in a sub-tropical reservoir. Online verfügbar unter

Hilgert S.; Fuchs S. (2016):
Hydro-akustische Sedimentmächtigkeitsdetektion und Charakterisierung in einem Stausee, Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft, DOI: 10.3243/kwe2016.04.003

Acosta, P. E. A.; Kishi, R. T.; Fuchs, S.; Hilgert, S. (2016):
Estimation of phosphorus emissions in the upper Iguazu basin (Brazil) using GIS and the MoRE model; ISPRS (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing), XXIII congress, Prague

Acosta, M. J. P.; Tiemy Kishi, R.; Fuchs, S.; Hilgert, S.; Bortolosa da Silva, T. I. (2015):
Turbidez como variavel substitutiva no monitoriamento de sólidos suspensos totais e fósforo total em ecossistemas aquáticos - Turbidity as a substitute for suspended solids and total phosphorous monitoring in aquatic ecosystems. XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hidricos, 22-27.11.2015, Brazilian Water Resources Association, Brasilia

Hilgert S.; Fuchs S. (2015):
Enhancing reservoir management with hydro-acoustic information. Conference Paper: 7th German-Brazilian Symposium for Sustainable Development, 2015, Heidelberg

Hilgert, S.; Wagner, A.; Fuchs, S. (2015):
Future changes in flash flood frequency and intensity of the Tha Di River (Thailand) based on rainfall-runoff modeling and advanced delta change scaling. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 12, 7327-7352

Hilgert, S.; Fuchs, S. (2015):
Static and Dynamic Hydro-Acoustic Assessment of Sediment Magnitudes in a Brazilian Reservoir. Conference Paper: Rio Acoustics 2015, Rio de Janeiro.

Hilgert, S.; Gauger, F.; Hölzlwimmer, S.; Fuchs, S. (2014): 
Development of a flexible dialysis pore water sampler placement system: Easy handling and related error sources. Journal of Limnology

Acosta, E. A.; Kishi, R. T.; Palma-Acosta, M. J.; Fuchs, S.; Hilgert, S. (2013):
Estimativa de Cargas de fósforo que atingem as águas superficiais pela erosáo na bacia do alto iguacu/PR" engl: Estimation of the phosphorous load which reach the superficial water bodies in the high Igaucu catchment in the State of Paraná (Brazil). XX Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hidricos.

Hilgert S. (2012):
Echoprofiler for sediment analysis. Alumni-Expert-Seminar on "Environmental Issues of Renewable Energies: Hydropower and climate change". Associação dos Ex-Bolsistas da Alemanha PR-SC. Curitiba, 27.11.2012. 

Fuchs, S.; Hilgert, S.; Rogozina, T.; Wander, R.; Höllering, S.; Ihringer, J.; Scherer, U. (2011):
Stoffeinträge von Schwermetallen in Oberflächengewässer in Deutschland - Modeling of Regionalized Emissions (MoRE). Fachtag „Diffuse Stoffeinträge in Oberflächengewässer“. Umweltbundesamt Wien, 17.05.2011.

Fuchs, S.; Hilgert, S.; Rogozina T.; Wander, R.; Höllering, S.; Ihringer, J.; Scherer, U. (2011):
MoRE Results and Modifications. Karlsruher Flussgebietstage “Priority Pollutants in River Basins”. Karlsruhe, 26. und 27.05.2011.

Zapata, A.; Oller, I.; Rizzo, L.; Hilgert, S.; Maldonado, M.I.; Sánchez-Pérez, J.A.; Malato, M. (2010):
Evaluation of operating parameters involved in solar photo-Fenton treatment of wastewater: Interdependence of initial pollutant concentration, temperature and iron concentration Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Volume 97, Issues 1-2, 9 June 2010, Pages 292-298

Fuchs, S.; Hilgert, S. (2010):
Bestandsaufnahme und Identifikation der Potentiale zur Verbesserung der Quecksilberquellenidentifikation, Februar 2010, Umweltbundesamt und Institut für Wasser und Gewässerentwicklung, KIT

Betreute Studien-/Bachelor-/Master-/Diplomarbeiten

Arne Tenspolde (2018):
Bestimmung von PAK, Schwermetall- und Schwebstoff-frachten mittels pegelregulierter Mischbeprobung an Alb und Kraichbach. L.Kiemle, A. Wagner, S,Hilgart.

Carmen Charneco David (2017):
Hydraulische Untersuchungen im Pfinz-Saalbach-Gebiet. Betreuer: S. Fuchs, Prof. F. Nestmann, S. Hilgert & F. Seidel

Lüthen-Broens, E. (2016):
Investigation of long-term phosphorous budget with a focus on seasonal patterns in the Schwarzenbach Reservoir catchment. Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Dr.-Ing. S. Hilgert & Dr.-Ing. S. Fuchs

Payan, A. (2016):
Literature study and evaluation of vulnerability models for reservoirs with a focus on Brazil. Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Dr.-Ing. S. Hilgert & Dr.-Ing. S. Fuchs

Sotiri, K. (2016):
Development of a multi-frequency echo-sounding method for sediment detection in Lake Passauna, Brazil. Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Dr.-Ing. S. Hilgert & Dr.-Ing. S. Fuchs

Zarebska, Z. (2016):
Small−scale sediment analysis in a Brazilian reservoir. Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Dr.-Ing. S. Hilgert & Dr.-Ing. S. Fuchs

Berg, T. (2016):
A multi method approach based on water and sediment samples and a sequential phosphorus fractionation technique applied on biofilm. Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Dr.-Ing. S. Hilgert & Dr.-Ing. S. Fuchs

Kraus, E. (2016):
Analyse des Phosphordepots und der Phosphorverfügbarkeit durch Sedimentansprache entlang des Kraichbachs. Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Dr.-Ing. S. Hilgert & Dr.-Ing. S. Fuchs

Bouton, N. (2016):
A hydrodynamic approach to sedimentation and resuspension patterns in a morphologically complex reservoir. Diplomarbeit. Betreuer: Dr.-Ing. Hilgert S. & Dr.-Ing. Fuchs S.

Formisano, F. (2015):
Investigation of a new AOP – Bacteria removal efficiency of the UV-PAA AOP compared UV-H2O2 process. Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Dr.-Ing. Hilgert S. & Dr.-Ing. Fuchs S.

Feidenheimer, N. (2015):
Effects of bamboo weirs and their location on water quality in the Tha Di river basin, southern Thailand. Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Prof. Lehman B. (Uni Darmstadt) & Dr.-Ing. Hilgert S. & Dr.-Ing. Fuchs S.

Pan, M. (2015):
Influence of hydrological structures on macro invertebrates in the Tha-Di Basin, Thailand. Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Dr. -Ing. Hilgert S.

Krieger, A. (2014):
Scenario-based Water Balance Assessment using the Water Evaluation and Planning Model (WEAP) in Huai Sai Bat Basin (Thailand).  Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Dipl.-Geoökol. Hilgert S., Kaiser M.

Dannecker, M. (2014):
Vergleichende Analyse von Lehrinhalten und Methoden im Hinblick auf die Bewertung ökostruktureller Maßnahmen in der Isan Region (Thailand). Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Kaiser, M.; Hilgert, S.

Wagner, A. (2014):
Comparative Approach to an adapted Water balance calculation based on existing data in the Ta Di Catchment, including various Scenarios. Masterarbeit. Betreuer: Kaiser, M.; Hilgert, S.

Gauger F. (2013):
Konstruktion und Test eines Dialysekeilplaziersystems. Diplomarbeit. Betreuer: Hilgert, S.

Hölzlwimmer, S. (2013):
Porenwasseruntersuchung von Sedimenten in Stauhaltungen in Brasilien. Bachelorarbeit. Betreuer: Hilgert, S.

Kraus, I. (2013):
Echolotkartierung eines Reservoirs und Blasendetektion. Bachelorarbeit. Betreuer: Hilgert, S.

Galley, M. (2013):
Sedimentanalyse in Brasilianischen Stauseen. Bachelorarbeit. Betreuer: Hilgert, S.

Krieger, A. (2013):
Sediment Methane emissions in highly regulated rivers: implications in River Basin Management. Studienarbeit. Betreuer: Hilgert, S.

Thomaz, V. (2013):
Sedimentvolumenberechnung mit Sonar 5 und ArcGI. Studienarbeit. Betreuer: Hilgert, S.

Shaker, F. (2013):
Comparison of Bsc. & Msc. Lecture contents in water and ecology context at the UFPR and KIT. Studienarbeit. Betreuer: Hilgert, S.

Noszcyk, T. (2013):
Sedimentpartikeluntersuchungen von Bohrkernen aus dem Reservoir Capivari. Studienarbeit. Betreuer: Hilgert, S.

Kiemle, L. (2012):
Acoustic classification of sediments in the Vossoroca Reservoir (Paraná, Brazil) with focus on the methane production potential. Diplomarbeit. Betreuer: Hilgert, S.

Wagner, A. (2012):
A sediment classification of Vossoroca Reservoir in southern Brazil. Bachelorarbeit. Betreuer: Hilgert, S.