Updating of the Modeling of Regionalized Emissions (Regionalized Path Analysis) for the Period 2009-2011

  • contact:

    PD Dr.-Ing. Stephan Fuchs
    Dipl.-Geoökol. Snezhina Dimitrova
    Dipl.-Geoökol. Ramona Wander

  • funding:

    Federal Environment Agency

  • startdate:


  • enddate:


Short Description

The European Water Framework Directive and other international environmental agreements, e.g. HELCOM, demand a report on the emissions into water bodies. The German Environment Protection Agency (Umweltbundesamt) uses the model system MoRE (Modelling of Regionalized Emissions, see Fuchs et al., 2011) for its reporting obligations. Therefore it is necessary to provide updated input data for the model system MoRE . The MoRE system developed by the KIT/IWG is a tool for a regionalized path analysis which makes it possible to identify pollution hotspots for nutrients, heavy metals and PAH. With the MoRE modeling results appropriate measures to reduce the emissions into water bodies can be identified.
The purpose of the requested project is to provide a coherent and complete data base for the MoRE system for the period 1983-2011. As data is only available until the year 2005 for all river basins and until 2008 for Germany it needs to be updated.
The modeling results allow the description of the current state of emissions into water bodies as well as the development and evaluation of measures of national significance for the reduction of emissions.
The methodological approaches for MoRE is described by Fuchs et al. 2010.
The following project objectives were defined in order to achieve the described aim:

  • Updating of the input data for all foreign parts of the German river basins for the period 2006-2011.
  • Updating of the input data for Germany for the period 2009-2011
  • Calculating the emissions for Germany and the international river basins for the period 2009-2011
  • Documentation of all basic data, input data, important intermediate results and final results for the period 2009-2011

Fuchs, S.; Scherer, U.; Wander, R.; Behrendt, H.; Venohr, M.; Opitz, D. et al. (2010):
Berechnung von Stoffeinträgen in die Fließgewässer Deutschlands mit dem Modell MONERIS. Nährstoffe, Schwermetalle und Polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe. 1. Aufl. 1 Band. Dessau-Roßlau (UBA-Texte, 45/10).