Institute for Water and River Basin Management           -          Aquatic Environmental Engineering

Dr.-Ing. Julia Hiller

  • Institute for Water and River Basin Management
    Department of Aquatic Environmental Engineering
    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
    Building 50.31 
    Gotthard-Franz-Str. 3
    76131 Karlsruhe





  • Organisation
  • Urban Water Infrastructure and Management
  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment
  • International Sanitary Engineering
  • Siedlungswasserwirtschaft
  • Industrial Water Management
  • Wastewater and Storm Water Treatment Facilities
  • Laborpraktikum 1. Semester - SWW Teil


Wastewater treatment, Process engineering, Nutrient recovery

Dissertation Topic: Metabolic analysis of the central metabolic pathway of Escherichia coli

Ongoing research projects:


Completed research projects


DWA - German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste

VDI - The Association of German Engineers


Hiller, J.; Morck, T. (2019):
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Phosphorrückgewinnung aus Klärschlamm. In: Morck, T.; Ramaswami, S.; Fuchs, S. (Hrsg.): Siedlungswasserwirtschaft mit Weitblick - Von der Auslegung bis zur Rückgewinnung. Schriftenreihe SWW Karlsruhe, Band 155, Verlag Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-3-945049-08-2, S. 121-134

Morck, T.; Hiller, J.; Fuchs, S. (Hrsg.) (2018):
Gegenwärtige Einsichten für zukünftige Entscheidungen. Tagungsband der 31. Karlsruher Flockungstage 2018, Schriftenreihe SWW, Bd. 154, Verlag Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Karlsruhe, Nov. 2018

Hiller, J., Zacher, K.-H., Weuster-Botz D. (2007): 
Probenahmesystem für fluide Proben. Patentschrift DE 10 2005 049 226 B4.

Hiller J., Franco-Lara E., Papaioannou V., Weuster-Botz D. (2007): 
Fast sampling and quenching procedures for microbial metabolic profiling. Biotechnol. Lett, 2007, 29(8):1161-7.

Hiller J., Franco-Lara E., Weuster-Botz D. (2007): 
Metabolic profiling of Escherichia coli cultivations: evaluation of extraction and metabolite analysis procedures.
Biotechnol. Lett, 2007, 29(8):1169-78.

Hiller, J., Schwaiger B., Weuster-Botz D. (2007): 
Probenahmesystem für fluide Proben. Patentschrift DE 103 14 512 B4.

Hiller J., Weuster-Botz D. (2005): 
Schnelle in-situ Probenahme aus Bioreaktoren „mit einem Handgriff“. BIOforum 11/2005: 32-43.


since 04/2018
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe
Institute for Water and River Basin Management
Department of Aquatic Environmental Engineering
Research Assistant

02/2010 – 04/2018

Freelance work as a Patent engineer

10/2007 – 09/2009

Patent Attorneys Tergau & Pohl, Nuremberg
Patent engineer

07/2000 – 06/2006

Technical University of Munich (TUM), Munich
Chair of Biochemical Engineering
Research Assistant
Doctorate with Prof. Weuster-Botz
PhD thesis: "Metabolic analysis of the central metabolism of Escherichia coli".

08/1999 – 06/2000

Von Nordenskjöld Verfahrenstechnik, Egmating-Münster
Service department

10/1993 – 06/1999

University of Karlsruhe (TH), Karlsruhe
Studies of process engineering (main subjects: mechanical process engineering and water technology)

09/1998 – 12/1998

University of Karlsruhe (TH), Karlsruhe
Diploma thesis: "Investigations on the degradation of organic substances in a model wastewater treatment plant with activated sludge process using a membrane module for sludge retention"

03/1997 – 08/1997

Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Institute of Biotechnology and Biotechnology
Study project: „Overflow and Fermentative Metabolisms of Escherichia coli under Various Glucose and Oxygen Gradients; Experimental and Simulating Studies“